
Inaugural Post

This blog is going to contain offensive language and offensive thoughts. If you can’t handle that, fuck off. (There’s your first example and your only warning.) Now that it’s just the adults left in the room: Welcome. I’ll be providing some thoughts here, just random things, primarily on politics and culture. Even if you’ve made it this far, don’t get too comfortable; I may say things that will still offend you. But being offended, I firmly believe, is good. If I don’t say anything that makes you question your beliefs, I’m fucking up. The point of public discourse is the exchange of ideas, and if the only ideas you ever encounter are the same thoughts you’ve already got,  that’s not exchange, that’s just swapping spit. Fuck that. So I hope you’ve got the guts to sign on and follow along, I really do. Just remember — no safe spaces. No trigger warnings. I can’t promise I’ll always be right, but I will promise, right now, that I will always tell you the truth as I see it. Welcome aboar
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